Friday, February 10, 2012


First of all, thanks to Ella at Musings in Ink for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award! I was completely unaware there were awards like that. :) I'm also slightly amazed that anybody actually reads my blog. But anyway. Requirements for the award as follows!

- Link to the blogger who gave you the award.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award to 15 bloggers recently discovered. (<--I can do this now!)
- Notify the blogger recipients.

So, I've completed the first requirement (thanks again Ella!) - 7 things about myself.
  1. The first thing I thought of when I saw 7 things was the Miley Cyrus song, and I'm ashamed of myself. :)
  2. The title of my blog, Normal is Boring, is a quote from my great-aunt. Who said it several years ago. Yes, I loved it, and hence it is up there in great big letters.
  3. I have written *counts* three novels (ok, almost...two of them still need endings) and yet, none of them are fit for human consumption.
  4. I just went to look up "consumption" because I thought, as I was writing the word, "Isn't that a disease?" (In case you were wondering, it is. Specifically progressive wasting away of the body, especially due to pulmonary tuberculosis. Don't ask me to define that...I'll just tell you it's something to do with lungs. But consumption does have another meaning, which is what I originally intended.)
  5. I would love to be published - preferably a novel. Although I think traveling on a tour would be absolutely terrifying.
  6. I believe my right arm is becoming/is stronger than my left arm, mostly due to the fact that I always lift my backpack with my right arm...and that thing is heavy!
  7. I'm an incredible night owl. If I could, I would sleep from 6 or 7 AM to 7 PM, and then be awake for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, I have not been successful at getting the rest of the world to follow this. My plans for world domination have been stalled!
And now for my 15 blogs! Except...we'll just say this is 15.

Evergreena's Treehouse

Glittering Compositions
Living, Learning, Eating
Sweets Galore
The Writing Kind
Scribbles and Shorts

Woot woot! Off to let them know!


  1. Thanks, girl! Ha, being a night owl would be so handy in college - but I'm such a morning person!

  2. Thanks for the award! This is pretty cool. Lol.
