Friday, February 3, 2012


I've been utterly failing at 60k/60day. But regardless of that, I'm joining FAWM! What is FAWM you ask? FAWM stands for February Album Writing Month, and it's a challenge to write 14 songs during February. This year, since it's a leap year, the quota is 14 and a half songs. :)

In case you didn't figure it out, that's a song every two days. *eyes calendar* It's nearly the 4th. Number of songs I've produced? A grand total of *drumroll* zero.

This isn't to say I haven't had a good reason for it. It's midterms time, and I've got a cold, which makes it nearly impossible to sing well enough that I would dare listen to it myself, much less unleash it on the rest of the world. But really, those are just excuses. I can play other instruments...there's no reason I can't create an instrumental song.

Oh well. I've promised myself that as soon as I catch up on my homework, I'll spend a day and devote it to writing music. Phew.

Questions for you: What instrument(s) do you play, and would you do FAWM? The second one is really more me trying to get you to do it with me so I can get my butt kicked into action occasionally. ;)

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