Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I feel like I should post something, but I don't have much to say right now that won't take some time to put into coherent words. Actually, the only thing that I'm really capable of speaking about right now is history, since it's coming out of my ears.

Skip the following to avoid excessive complaining.

History is also why I'm so tired right now...since I got 3 hours of sleep in the last *checks clock and counts on fingers* 30 hours and counting. Completely my fault, since I fell prey to Procrastination over the week and ended up with 250+ pages of a book on the Nez Perce Indian War, 2 chapters from the textbook, and 10 of the documents from that time period that I hadn't read that needed to be read by the today at 11 AM. So I was up until 2 finishing the book, and then got up at 5:40...

But you don't really need to hear me complain. But here's a question for you - are you a night owl or a morning...I can't think of what we normally call morning people. Anyway. I'm a night owl, and I often get some of my best writing, especially poetry, done in the wee hours of the morning, right around 3-5 AM. Signing off for now, although I hope to have a tips post up later this week. Don't expect too much from me in the near future though, due to the large number of exams and whatnot that are creeping up on me. :)

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