Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Ranting

Well, I don't really have anything specific to write about today - I was planning on doing another couple writing tips posts, but those haven't happened yet. So instead, I'm going to fairly randomly blurt out some things in the hopes of making this post at least sort of fun.

So today I got to use my credit card for the first time - super exciting, right? But what did I use it on? Textbooks. *headdesk* Although I did buy trail mix as well so that I could have something to celebrate with.

Then later in the day, after I'd gotten back home, I was humming a song. This is a fairly common occurrence for me, so long as I'm at home or where no one can hear me. Otherwise I feel too self conscious to hum. Anyways, I didn't know what song I was humming - also fairly common. I'll frequently hum/sing songs that I don't know what they are. Just little snippets, a couple phrases from a part of the song I particularly liked and hence, has stuck in my head. So there was nothing at all unusual about this.

In any case, I was humming, and I thought, "You know, I kind of like this song, I wonder what it is?" Then I realized it was my song.


I suppose it's a good thing that I liked my song, although I'm not sure how greatly it speaks about the actual song that I didn't remember it was mine. xD (By the way, if you'd like to listen to this song, well, you can't. At least not yet. Although within the next week I promise I'll have finished writing and recording it and it'll be up on my Youtube channel, FlipFlyFall.)

And now, since I don't have anything else remotely funny to blurt about (I think that should be an official verb, blurt. I mean, rant is now a verb or maybe it always was, but this isn't really a rant, and it's not just a normal blog's a blurt. I guess that's a noun. Anyway.), here is a "humor poem", which I wrote as my entry to a humor poetry contest. (I don't normally write things like this...but one of the past winners of the contest had written complete gibberish, so I figured I could give it a shot.)

An Alphabet Is Fine

A terrible terrible flompatromp!

A terrible hullabaloo!
A pflluh and a splat and a cloppity clop,
And fly away – Balloon!

Baby go wahh,

Buh buh buh ba ba ba bloop!
Be serious please,
Bah bippity boppity – Bah Humbug!

Cookity cockity clue,
Clip clop go the shoes,
Co Co Co Caw!
Kee Kee Kee Kraw!
Lop a-dally doo

Oh, an alphabet is fine,
For a very short time,
Who cares any more!
Do you?

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