Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 of 60days/60k

All right, it's time to come out and admit it. I'm behind. Shall I list all the things that have made my word count soar to the ground? Well, I'm going to anyway, so whatever you're thinking now doesn't really matter. (This is your cue to skip if you don't want to read my woes.)

So first of all, I don't know what's wrong with me, but after a month break from the wonderful writerly abandon that is NaNoWriMo, I'm having a really hard time just writing. There's no flow to the words that I'm sticking up on the screen, and I'm finding that I have to force myself to write even a hundred words. During November, a hundred was nothing. Easy peasy. (With the exception of at 5 am, having written 10k already that day, and knowing that you have to get up again in another three hours.) Now though, it's like that rushing river of words that I had in November has hit a drought.

A side note: Down to the last drop. Actually, when I said the river thing, I thought "down to a trickle", but then I figured drop would sound better than trickle since it starts with a d, and then I thought that would make a nice title. Too bad writing novels isn't that easy.

The second thing that's decided to hinder my word count is my brain. Even in the thick of NaNo, when my story and everything was fresh, I was having a hard time keeping everything straight. Now, it's worse. Who's who, who likes who, what are so and so's powers (which I'm not sure I knew to begin with), what's this person's vendetta, why do they do that, who's fighting who, etc. I don't want to go back and read it all, because A) that would take too long, and B) it's going to suck, as first drafts always do. But I have had to go back and skim over some parts just so that I could come anywhere close to having a coherent story.

Hopefully I'll catch my brain back up, and this story will actually come out. I'm now a bit worried about the other novel I need to finish - which I haven't touched since last August.

On a random note, I noticed, as I skimmed through my novel trying to figure out my own plot, that I have a tendency to add random "e"s to the ends of my characters' names. I have absolutely no reason to do so, and yet, I've found it several times. The last letters aren't even near "e", so it's not typos. Completely random. I have no idea why.

I'm sure you're bored by now, and this post is getting rather long. There was really nothing of worth in this post, besides me complaining/ranting about how I'm having problems (not that that's anything new). Apologies for that. But to make up for it, I'm planning on writing a blog post about inspiration - perhaps that will make me inspired too.

1 comment:

  1. I must say Helen, I thought I was the one doing bad. A word war on Sunday for sure. (:
