Monday, March 5, 2012


All right, I have to apologize for not posting for what seems like ages. Life's been getting in the way, as it seems to like to do. However, it is almost spring break (one more week) so I'm hoping to do a lot more writing and such soon. I've started a bit of a story as well. Not quite sure where it's going to take me, but it's completely different from anything I've ever done before. It's more of a "in the character's head/life" kind of story, rather than a good vs. bad story like I've done before.

Oh yeah, and I have to come clean - I completely failed at 60k/60day, and FAWM. I didn't have the motivation for 60k/60day, probably because I feel like I already know what's going to happen, so why write it down? Plus, every time I tried, it was absolutely awful. I cringed. FAWM didn't happen, mostly because I like to record on the spot, which doesn't really happen in the practice rooms on campus. However, I did make the beginnings of a song that I quite like so far, and hopefully I will manage to finish that one. Anyway, that's all I have for now - can't wait until the end of the week!

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